Create simple of multi-part guides for any activity or process.
Guiding a user for a specific task or activity, especially the less common ones can really impact the product experience. Guides are richer and more explanatory than a checklist or setup steps but generally smaller and more digestible than a manual.
Create Guides from different Content Types. For example a Book can be used to create a series of guides through the setup of a product or create an application guide to where and why your product is best used.
- Keep your guides small in length so as not to overwhelm your user.
- Use media to cut down the text.
- Add references to allow the user to dig in deeper via other content.
Next Steps
If you have not yet created your free trial of Caddify sign up today, and add your first Guide as a Book then style in the App Composer.
If you are already creating your Companion App check out our tutorials to learn how to use different content types to create the best Guide user experience.